Water is a more limited renewable resource.


We can’t live without water.


Let’s work to conserve it!


Our planet can’t provide us with the amount of water that we need


Not all countries are equal when it comes to water shortages. Our planet can’t provide us with the amount of water that we need. This map shows a list of areas in the world with water shortages. The blue areas are the only areas not experiencing water shortages.

All others are concerned by this major problem.


Water demand is higher than the world’s supply.

Current water consumption and future predictions.

This graphic provides the amount of freshwater available on the planet, surface water, including water in aquifers, and compares it to needs linked to agriculture, industry, and domestic needs.

We can see that in 2030, the need for water will be two times the amount of water available, and agriculture is by far the most water-intensive activity.

Liebearth is a great solution that allows us to limit the impact that our needs have on the planet.